New Year, New You, New Sleep Routine!
Let's face it, January is a weird month. The high of the holiday season has worn off, the lights have come down and opening the fridge doesn't have quite the same wow factor that it did back in December.
There's also a certain unspoken (and very much spoken about!) social pressure to be on your A game. To suddenly become full of energy, focus, motivation and ready to give your life a full 180° makeover.
It's not all nonsense though, research has found that those who set themselves new years resolutions are more likely to achieve them, compared to any other time of the year.
A recent study found that 1/3 of adults suffer from bad sleep. However, when you look at the most common new years resolutions for 2022, improving sleep fails to make the top 10. It's not an obvious choice yet the benefits are incredible.
Sleeping better can not only enhance physical, mental, and emotional health but also generate the energy and self-control necessary to achieve other goals in the new year.
Tips for Achieving New Year’s Sleep Resolutions
1. Keep a consistent sleep schedule
Like with many things in life, consistency is key. Sleep is a trainable skill that you can get better at. Try and keep the time that you go to bed and the time that you wake up the same everyday. By maintaining the same routine daily, you can train your brain to recognise when it is time to not only wake up but also to switch off and fall asleep.
2. Have a wind down routine
Following on from the previous point, create a wind down routine for yourself. Setting a go-to-bed alarm in the evenings will remind you when it is time to start preparing yourself for sleep. Putting down devices, turning off the TV and start moving towards the bedroom. Perhaps dim your lights and do some gentle stretches - all which will help prepare your mind and body for sleep.
3. Increase exposure to light and exercise during the day
Light is fundamental not only to our sleep but also to our mood. At this time of the year when the days are darker, our bodies crave light. Therefore getting exposure to light in the morning is important as it synchronises your body clock to the correct time and then also set it up for sleep the following night. A short walk in the morning is a brilliant way to achieve this exposure to light, especially if you are working indoors for the majority of the day as many people are these days. This activity can also help to increase your sleep drive and in turn, your sleep quality.
4. Try sleep aids
Our sleep gummies are made using natural ingredients such as 5-HTP which can help enhance your quality of sleep as well as improve your overall wellbeing. Most effective when taken around 30 minutes before you go to sleep, these would be a great step within your wind down routine.
You can find our gummies here.