
4.8/5 Based on 6,234 Customers

Sleep Faster,

Deeper & Better*

Unlock the key to a Deeper, and more Restful Sleep with our 5-HTP Sleep Enhancing Gummies.

Free shipping on orders over £30

5,000+ users reported

Deeper Sleep & Better Energy.

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Improve Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper

Wake up Energised & Refreshed

Tastes like Passionfruit

Natural Vegan Formula

Seriously Fast Results

Enjoy Deeper Sleep & Wake Up Truly Rejuvenated*

Regulate Your

Sleep Wake Cycle

Our gummies are specially formulated to help regulate your sleep-wake cycle and improve your overall mood and well-being.

5-HTP Helps You

Fall Asleep Faster

5-HTP promotes calmness & relaxation, it shortens the time it takes to fall asleep, and improves sleep quality.


Deeper Sleep

Enjoy a more restful and uninterrupted sleep thanks to the 5-HTP which works to support healthy serotonin levels.

Wake Up Energised

& Refreshed

The production of serotonin, known for its role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, influences melatonin production to help wake the body up.

Free shipping on orders over £30

Gummies that Help You Win.

  • Feel completely refreshed in the mornings. I do also have one on days where I feel overwhelmed or anxious and that takes the edge off.

    Lana C.

  • I’ve been taking these the past few nights and I’ve noticed the quality of my sleep has been amazing! I wake up feeling like I’ve had a good amount of sleep and feel refreshed.

    Jannesh K.

  • Bought them for my wife and really helped, since bought 3 boxes for friends to see if they help them. My wife has gone on the monthly subscription so all good thanks.

    Cormac C.

  • Saw these on Instagram and was a little sceptical but ordered them, I’m now about 5 weeks in & I fall asleep so much easier and don’t tend to wake up as often either.

    James J.

  • “ My actual sleep buddy, i take these gummies everywhere i go especially on long-haul flights, they knock me out so fast! ”

    Chris E. - New York, USA

  • “ These gummies are absolutely incredible! I no longer wake up 2-3 times at night and they literally keep me knocked out all night! “

    Monika W. - Denver, USA

  • “ I’ve been stuggling with bad sleep for 10 years, tried many remedies yet nothing worked. These gummies actually helped me! “

    Nick U. - Toronto, Canada

  • “ These gummies work so well i bought 3 more packs just 1 week after my initial purchase. If you cherish your sleep, buy these “

    Alicia N. - San Franciso, USA

  • Feel completely refreshed in the mornings. I do also have one on days where I feel overwhelmed or anxious and that takes the edge off.

    Lana C.

  • I’ve been taking these the past few nights and I’ve noticed the quality of my sleep has been amazing! I wake up feeling like I’ve had a good amount of sleep and feel refreshed.

    Jannesh K.

  • Bought them for my wife and really helped, since bought 3 boxes for friends to see if they help them. My wife has gone on the monthly subscription so all good thanks.

    Cormac C.

  • Saw these on Instagram and was a little sceptical but ordered them, I’m now about 5 weeks in & I fall asleep so much easier and don’t tend to wake up as often either.

    James J.

Sleepless Nights & Low Energy ?

3 reasons why this happens and how Domo Sleep Gummies step in to help you.


Struggling to fall asleep At Night?

Our 5-HTP gummies offer a natural solution for those who struggle with falling asleep at night.

By promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality, our gummies help you drift off into a restful slumber, reducing the time it takes to fall asleep and leaving you feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.


Trouble staying Asleep At Night?

Domo Sleep's 5-HTP supplement improves sleep quality by reducing nighttime awakenings, promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

Our 5-HTP gummies offer a natural solution for those who struggle with falling asleep at night.


You wake up still Feeling Tired?

Insufficient serotonin can result in fatigue, low energy, and a bad mood the following morning.

Our sleep-enhancing gummies promote melatonin production to improve sleep quality at night and provide a boost of energy in the morning.

  • 01

    Struggling to fall asleep at night?

    Our 5-HTP gummies offer a natural solution for those who struggle with falling asleep at night.

    By promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality, our gummies help you drift off into a restful slumber, reducing the time it takes to fall asleep and leaving you feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

  • 02

    Trouble staying asleep at night?

    Domo Sleep's 5-HTP supplement improves sleep quality by reducing nighttime awakenings, promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

    Our 5-HTP gummies offer a natural solution for those who struggle with falling asleep at night.

  • 03

    You wake up still feeling tired?

    Insufficient serotonin can result in fatigue, low energy, and a bad mood the following morning.

    Our sleep-enhancing gummies promote melatonin production to improve sleep quality at night and provide a boost of energy in the morning.

Free shipping on orders over £30

In a Nutshell

Our Sleep Gummies Can:

Regulate your Sleep-Wake Cycle

Help you Fall Asleep Faster with 5-HTP

Give you Deeper, Uninterrupted Sleep

Let you wake up Energised & Refreshed

Free shipping on orders over £30

Domo’s 5-HTP Gummies vs. The Rest

After countless sleepless nights, we’ve cracked the code to a better, deeper & a more restful sleep.

Free shipping on orders over £30


Regulates & Improves Sleep-Wake Cycle

Drug-free and Non-Habit Forming

Provides Deeper Sleep

No Headaches/Grogginess

Safe for Daily Use

Take Anytime, Anywhere; No Water Needed

Regulates Mood & Appetite

Tastes Great

Purchase Without a Prescription

Free shipping on orders over £30

Natural Ingredients For a Natural Calming Remedy.

Containing passiflora extract and 5-HTP, these little wonders contain powerful calming properties that promote relaxation.

Passionflower extract soothes the mind and body for restful sleep, while 5-HTP is a naturally occurring amino acid that helps boost serotonin levels in the brain. Increased levels of serotonin contribute to a more focused, calmer and happier you.

Our gummies turn this powerful fruit extract into a 100% natural & powerful sleep-inducing solution.*

See Full Nutritional Information

Free shipping on orders over £30

Real People,

Real Results.

After countless sleepless nights, we’ve cracked the code to a better, deeper & a more restful sleep.

Real People, Real Results.

After countless sleepless nights, we’ve cracked the code to a better, deeper & a more restful sleep.

Free shipping on orders over £30

Sleep Score Before


*Overall Success Score

Total Sleep



Deep Sleep

REM Sleep

Average Rating 4.8/5

Sleep Score After


*Overall Success Score

Total Sleep



Deep Sleep

REM Sleep

6,000+ Customers Later

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Vegan friendly

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Non-Habit forming

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Vegan friendly

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Vegan friendly

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Sleep Gummies









4.8/5 Based on 6,000+ Customers

Sleep Gummies


£19.99 each

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Happy Customers

  • “ I fall asleep quicker ”

    I’ve had them for about a week and they’ve definitely worked! I fall asleep quicker, don’t wake up at night and feel a lot more refreshed in the mornings. They’re also really tasty!

    -Tulsi P.

  • “ Like a weight has been lifted...”

    They help to give me that much needed mental break that I need at night & means I get to sleep so much quicker. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

    -Amanda K.

  • “ Dramatically helped me relax ”

    So glad I tried the Domo Gummies, they have dramatically helped me relax before bedtime and therefore aided a restful sleep, something I’ve not had for years.

    -Warren R.

  • “ You won't be
    disappointed ”

    Best night sleep in months. Ten hours solid, they taste great 😊 Try them and you won't be disappointed. 10 out off ten 👍

    -Nigel H.

6,000+ Users enjoy

Better, Deeper Sleep with Domo.


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*MHRA DISCLAIMER: The statements made have not been evaluated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.